People Should Depend on You, and Not You on Them. The noble hearted one works for people and does not allow them to serve him. Therefore he doesn't embark on a project that will require him to rely upon others. In helping others, people have a limit or point, up to which they are willing to strive and sacrifice for others. And this limit is seldom exceeded. Consider Husain … [Read more...] about People Should Depend on You, and Not You on Them.
Deal With Others As You Would Have Them Deal With
Deal With Others As You Would Have Them Deal With You. A wise person said that the one who seeks out the faults of others is like a fly - it lands only on that which is foul. Some people are afflicted with the word "but." Every time you mention someone to them, they will say something along the lines of, "He has some good in him, but..." What follows "but" is always criticism, … [Read more...] about Deal With Others As You Would Have Them Deal With
Two Secrets Regarding Sinning (Even If You Know Them, Don’t
Two Secrets Regarding Sinning (Even If You Know Them, Don't Sin). Some of the people of knowledge mentioned that: 1 . After one repents from a sin, one's feelings of self-importance and sanctimoniousness are quelled. 2. Allah's names and attributes, such as the Most Merciful and the Oft-Forgiving, bear a greater meaning to the one who sins and then repents than they do to … [Read more...] about Two Secrets Regarding Sinning (Even If You Know Them, Don’t
Be Fair to Your Friends and Call Them by Those
Be Fair to Your Friends and Call Them by Those Names That They Love Most; Do Not Use Nicknames That They Hate. Would you like it if others did the same to you? Be fair to your wife. How often is it for a woman, that after an entire day of cooking, dusting, and cleaning, her husband returns home and is blind to her efforts? His indifference does more damage than any talk can … [Read more...] about Be Fair to Your Friends and Call Them by Those