Islamic Products and Services Finder
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"Don't Be Sad, Call Out, Oh Allaah!"
"Contemplate and Be Thankful."
"Don't Be Sad. The Past Is Gone Forever."
"Today Is All That You Have."
"Don't Be Sad, Leave the Future Alone Until It Comes."
"Do Not Expect Gratitude from Anyone."
"Doing Good to Others Gives Comfort to the Heart."
"Repel Boredom with Work."
"Do Not Be a Mimicker."
"Convert a lemon into a sweet drink."
"Enough for you is your home."
"Your recompense is with Allaah."
"Faith is life itself."
"Extract the honey but do not break the hive."
"“Verily, in the remembrance of Allaah do hearts find rest.”"
"Accept life as it is."
"Find consolation by remembering the afflicted."
"The Prayer, the Prayer."
"“Allaah Alone is sufficient for us, and He is the best Disposer of affairs for us.”"
"Patience is most fitting."
"Do not carry the weight of the globe on your shoulders."
"Do not be crushed by what is insignificant."
"“Be content with that which Allaah has given you, and you will be the richest of people.”"
"“Thus We have made you a just nation.”"
"Being sad (on what is not weakness/sin in the Deen) is not encouraged in our religion."
"Take a moment to reflect."
"Repel boredom from your life."
"Cast off anxiety."
"Do not be sad — Everything will occur according to preordainment."
"Do not be sad — Wait patiently for a happy outcome."
"Do not be sad. Seek forgiveness from Allaah often, for your Lord is Oft-Forgiving."
"Do not be sad — Always remember Allaah."
"Do not be sad — Never lose hope of Allaah's Mercy."
"“Certainly no one despairs of Allah’s Mercy, except the people who disbelieve.”"
"Grieve not over unworthy things."
"Do not be sad — Repel anxiety."
"Grieve not when others blame and disparage you."
"Grieve not over being poor."
"Do not feel sad over fears for what may happen."
"Grieve not over criticism from the jealous and the weak minded."
"Do not be sad — Do good to others."
"Do not be sad from the want of ample provision."
"Appreciate that compared to others, your trial is light."
"Do not mimic the personality of others."
"If applied with a correct understanding, isolation can be most beneficial."
"Do not be shaken by hardships."
"Pause to think about hardships."
"Your best companion is a book."
"Do not grieve, there is another life to come."
"Do not feel overly stressed when work piles up."
"Do not despair when you face a difficult situation."
"Depression weakens the body and the soul."
"Depression, a cause of ulcers."
"Bear your hardships with serenity."
"Hold a good opinion of your Lord."
"Embrace constructive criticism."
"Most rumors are baseless."
"Gentleness averts confrontations."
"Yesterday will never return."
"This life does not deserve our grief."
"As long as you have faith in Allaah, don’t be sad."
"Do not be sad, because sadness is often from the devil and is a kind of hopelessness."
"As long as you have faith in Allaah, don't be sad."
"Do not grieve over trivialities for the entire world is trivial."
"This is how the world is."
"Strive to help others."
"Blessings in disguise."
"You are created unique."
"Much that in appearance is harmful is in fact a blessing."
"Faith is the greatest remedy!"
"Do not lose hope."
"Don't be sad. Life is shorter than you think."
"As long as you have life's basic necessities, Don't be sad."
"Contentment repels sadness."
"If you lose a limb, you still have others to compensate for it."
"The days rotate in bringing good and bad."
"Travel throughout Allaah's wide earth if possible."
"Do not let calamity shake you."
"Do not grieve — This world is not worth your grief."
"Don't be sad: Remember that you believe in Allaah."
"Despair not — Handicaps do not prevent success."
"If you embrace Islam, there is no reason for you to be sad."
"You will not die before your appointed time."
"Strive for your sustenance, but don't be covetous."
"Don't be sad — Learn to deal with your reality."
"Don't be sad — Sooner or later everything in this world perishes."
"Depression leads to misery."
"Depression may lead to suicide."
"Asking Allaah for forgiveness opens locked doors."
"People should depend on you (in most cases), and not you on them (in all cases)."
"Prudence. No one spends prudently except that he is saved from having to depend on others."
"Do not cling to other than Allaah."
"The sweet taste of freedom."
"Do not pay attention to the tell-tale."
"The curses of the foolish are of no consequence to you."
"Appreciate the beauty of the universe."
"Avarice is of no avail."
"Bearing hardship atones for sins."
"And come to the prayer."
"Charity brings peace to the giver."
"Don't be angry."
"Supplications of the morning."
"The Qur'an: The Blessed Book."
"Don't aspire to fame, or else you will be taxed with stress and worries."
"Bear trials patiently."
"Mixing with people whose company is heavy and dull ruins a person's peace."
"The positive effects of having true Monotheistic faith in Allaah."
"Take care of your outside as well as of your inside."
"Seek refuge with Allaah."
"I place my complete trust in Him (Allaah)."
"A handicap in one area can be compensated for by excellence in another."
"Faith in Allaah is the way to salvation."
"An iron will."
"Whatever is written for you will unerringly come to you."
"Work hard for the fruitful end."
"Your life is replete with priceless moments."
"Performing noble deeds is the way to happiness."
"Read more, but with understanding and contemplation."
"Take account of yourself."
"Plan your affairs and take proper precautions."
"Travel to different lands if possible."
"Perform the late-night voluntary prayers."
"Your reward is Paradise."
"The sharee'ah is made easy for you."
"Beware of ardent love."
"Seek out sustenance but don't be covetous."
"Fear not! Surely, you will have the upper hand."
"In order to find peace, turn to your Lord."
"Being remembered after death is a second life."
"A Lord Who wrongs not. You should feel reassured in that you have a Lord Who is just."
"Write your own history."
"Listen attentively to the words of Allaah."
"Prepare for bad times by being thankful when all is well."
"To Him do the good words ascend."
"Take advantage of health and free time."
"The importance of having a good friend."
"In Islam, security is a must."
"Performing virtuous deeds is the crown on the head of a happy life."
"Everlastingness and Paradise are there, and not here!"
"Don't grieve if you are poor, for your true value is not determined by your bank balance."
"If you do not associate partners with Allah, if you believe in the true religion, and if you love Allah and His Messenger (Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon him), do not feel sad. If you feel regret for your bad deeds and you rejoice when you do a worthy act, do not feel sad. You have much good with you that you do not perceive."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Contemplate these Prophetic sayings:
"If Allaah loves a people, He tests them. Whoever is pleased, for him there is pleasure, and whoever is angry, upon him there is wrath." [Hadeeth]
"The most harshly tested people are the Prophets, followed in succession by those who are best after them. A man is tested according to his religion. If his religion is strong with him, his test will be more intense. If his religion is weak with him, he will be tested according to the level of his religion. (Allaah's) slave will continually be tested until he is left to walk on the earth without a mistake (to have to account for)." [Hadeeth]
"Wonderful is the situation of the believer. All of his affairs are good (for him)! And this is only for the believer. If good befalls him, he is thankful, and that is good for him. If harm afflicts him, he is patient, and that is good for him." [Hadeeth]
"And know that if the entire Nation were to gather upon benefiting you with something, they would only benefit you with something that Allaah has (already) written for you. And if they were to gather upon harming you with something, they would only harm you with something that Allaah has (already) written for you." [Hadeeth]
"The righteous ones are tested: first, the best of them, then the next, and so on." [Hadeeth]
"The believer is like a tiny branch; the wind blows it to the right and to the left." [Hadeeth]"
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"By being unconcerned over trifles, you display a virtue that will bring you happiness, for the one who is lofty in his aims is engrossed only with concern for the Hereafter."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, and do not surrender to sadness by taking the easy path of idleness and inactivity, but pray, glorify your Lord, read, write, work, visit relatives and friends, and reflect."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Be concerned about this only: about meeting Allah, about standing in front of Him, and about the Hereafter."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not expect gratitude from anyone."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, for even doctors, wise men, scholars, and poets are weak and unable to defy or change that which has been decreed."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Life, health, the faculties of hearing and seeing, two hands and two legs, water, air, food - these are some of the more visible blessings in this world, while the greatest of all blessings is that of Islam and correct guidance. What would you say to someone who offered you large sums of money in return for your eyes, your ears,your legs, your hands, or your heart? How great is your wealth in reality? By not being thankful, you do not render justice to Allah's countless favors."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because your sadness pleases your enemy, angers your friend, and makes the jealous rejoice."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Devote yourself to the gathering of virtues, and work,
And turn your back on someone who cools his jealousy by giving you censure,
Know that your life span is the season of good deeds,
In it, they may be accepted, and after is death, when all jealousy ceases."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, for sickness is a transient state of being; the sin can be forgiven; the debt will be repaid; the captive will be released; the beloved one who is abroad will return; the sinner will repent; and the poor will be increased in their wealth."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Most evil that is supposed to happen never occurs."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Train yourself to be ready and prepared for the worst eventuality."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because sadness causes you to regret the past, to have misgivings concerning the future, and to make you waste away your present."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because your sadness pleases your enemy, angers your friend, and makes the jealous rejoice."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, for sadness, grief, and anxiety are the roots of mental problems, the sources of stress. Do not be sad, for you have with you the Qur'an, supplication, remembrance, and prayer. You can lighten the load of your anxiety by giving others, doing well, and being productive."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not feel deprived as long as you have a loaf of bread, a glass of water and clothes on your back."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not grieve over the person who forgets or denies the favors you once gave to him, for your desire should be solely for the reward of Allah. Perform righteous deeds purely and sincerely for the pleasure of Allah, and do not expect either congratulation or gratitude from any person. Do not take it to heart if you confer a favor upon someone and he then turns out to be ungrateful, showing no sign of appreciation for what you have done. Seek your reward from Allah."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"If you know that your trial is not in your religion, but is in worldly matters, then be content."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"One poet said: "Water, bread, and shade, These form a most worthy bliss, I have denied the favors of my Lord, If I said that I had too little."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be shaken by criticism; instead, be firm. And know that, in proportion to your worth, the level of people's criticism rises."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because by being sad, you are complaining against the divine decree and showing vexation at what is written for you."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, for sadness will weaken your determination and the quality of your worship. One of the offshoots of depression is that it often causes one to be pessimistic, to find blame in everyone, including — and we seek refuge in Allah — Allah Himself."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because grief cannot return to you the one that is lost or is gone away. It cannot resurrect the dead, it cannot change fate, or bring any benefit whatsoever."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"For the people of the Sunnah, there are three things that they resort to when faced with calamity: patience, supplication, and waiting with expectation for a good outcome."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Life is bread, water, and shade; so do not be perturbed by a lack of any other material thing. "And in the heaven is your provision, and that which you are promised." (Quran 51: 22)"
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"There is not a single worry or concern which its significance is not diminished when it is compared to the concerns of the Hereafter."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Don't Be Sad. Those who are ignorant have uttered curses at Allaah, the Exalted, the Creator of all that exists, so what treatment should we, who are full of faults, expect from people?"
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because sadness is often from the devil and is a kind of hopelessness."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not respond to an injurious statement that is made about you. Forbearance buries faults, tolerance is superior, silence conquers the enemy, and forgiveness is honor for which you shall be rewarded. If defamatory remarks are printed about you, know that half of those that read such things quickly forget them while the other half are uninterested in the first place. So do not create further noise and fuss by refuting what has been said."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because grief cannot return to you the one that is lost or is gone away. It cannot resurrect the dead, it cannot change fate, or bring any benefit whatsoever."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Higher goals are not achieved through dreaming or fantasizing; they can only be reached through dedication and commitment."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Everyone is searching for happiness, but few are those who are guided to the path that truly leads to happiness. Whoever does not make the pleasure of Allaah to be his main concern in life will end up losing in the end."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because by being sad, you are complaining against the divine decree and showing vexation at what is written for you."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Since Allah knows your deeds, knows of the good you do and the help you give to others, remain carefree and untroubled about what people think."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
“Is it not He (Allaah) Who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and Who relieves its sufferings, and makes you inheritors of the earth? Can there be another god beside Allaah? Little it is that you (take) heed.”
(Quran 27:62)
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because sadness causes you to regret the past, to have misgivings concerning the future, and to make you waste away your present."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Umar (may Allaah be pleased with him) said, "We have found that the best life is that which is accompanied by patience.""
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"...the pains of sickness are soon forgotten after the return of health. It is only upon you to forbear for a short time and to be patient for a few moments."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"The Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon him) said:
"And know that victory comes with patience, and with hardship there is a way out, and with difficulty comes ease."
"In another Hadith, the Prophet (Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon him) related that Allah said:
"I am with my slave's thoughts about Me, so let him think of Me as he chooses.""
"One of the best means of controlling such thoughts is to work at something that is at once interesting and useful."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"...most apprehensions and fears of impending difficulty fail to take shape in reality. Conjectures of the mind are far greater in number and in scope than the things that actually happen in life."
"An Arab poet said: "I said to my heart when it was attacked by a fit of anxiety: Be happy, because most fears are false."
"This implies that if you hear of an impending calamity, or hear of oncoming disaster, don't be overly alarmed, especially since the majority of predictions about impending harm are false."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, for Allaah defends you and the angels ask forgiveness for you; the believers share with you their supplications in every prayer; the Prophet (Blessings and Peace be upon him) will intercede for the believers; the Qur'an is replete with good promises; and above all is the Mercy of He Who is the Most Merciful."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because it causes the heart to contract, the face to frown, the spirit to weaken, and hope to vanish."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Hardship strengthens your heart, atones for your sins, and helps to suppress an inclination towards pride and haughtiness."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Jealousy is not something new. If you hear the beating of resentful words in your ears, do not worry, jealousy is not something new."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"When you were afflicted, others extended brotherly compassion to you, and you became the fortunate recipient of the supplications of the righteous. At such times, you willfully and humbly surrendered yourself to Allah's will and resigned yourself to His decree."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Life is too short to make it even shorter through disputes."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"Do not be sad, because it causes the heart to contract, the face to frown, the spirit to weaken, and hope to vanish."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"The whole world and whatever is in it has no value, weight, or meaning if it is devoid of faith."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
“Verily, with the hardship, there is relief. Verily, with the hardship, there is another relief.”
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]
"O' man: man who is bored of life, who finds it difficult to pass the days, and who has tasted the bitter vicissitudes of life, remember that ease follows difficulty, that Allaah's promise is true, and that, if you are true and sincere, victory is near."
[REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad]