"No calamity befalls on the earth or in yourselves but is inscribed in the Book of Decrees - before We bring it into existence." (Qur'an 57:22) The pen has dried, the pages have been lifted:all events that shall come to pass have already been written. "Nothing shall ever happen to us except what Allah has ordained for us." (Qur'an 9:51) Whatever has befallen you was not … [Read more...] about Pre-ordainment.
Divine Pre-ordainment.
In Al-Qaseem, a newspaper printed in Syria, an article was written about a young man who booked a flight to travel abroad. He informed his mother of the flight time and asked her to wake him up a short time before departure. After he fell asleep, his mother heard on the radio that the weather conditions were awful and that the wind was blowing violently. The compassion that she … [Read more...] about Divine Pre-ordainment.
A man who had a mental disorder and an extreme anxiety problem sought advice from a Muslim doctor, who advised him, saying, "Know that no matter what the plans are that someone has for the future, there is no movement, not so much as a whisper, in this world but that it occurs by the permission of Allah." The following is related in a Hadith: "Verily, Allah wrote the … [Read more...] about Pre-ordainment.