Do not be sad:for sickness is a transient state of being; the sin can be forgiven; the debt will be repaid; the captive will be released;the beloved one who is abroad will return; the sinner will repent; and the poor will be increased in their wealth.
Do not be sad, for do you not see how the black clouds disperse and the violent winds subside? Your hardships will be followed by comfort and your future is bright.
Do not be sad, for the blaze of the sun is extinguished by luxuriant shade; the thirst of noon is refreshed by fresh water; the pangs of hunger find relief in warm bread; and the anxiety of sleeplessness is followed by calm repose; the pains of sickness are soon forgotten after the return of health. It is only upon you to forbear for a short time and to be patient for a few moments.
Do not be sad, for even doctors, wise men, scholars, and poets are weak and unable to defy or change that which has been decreed.
‘Ali ibn Jabla said:
“Perhaps a way out will come, perhaps.
We comfort ourselves with perhaps,
So do not despair when you meet
With affliction that weakens your spirit,
Since the closest one comes
To relief, is when he loses all hope.”
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