"If you find yourself to be in difficulty or distress, show kindness to others, and you will be the first to find solace and comfort..." [REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad] … [Read more...] about IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 010 – If You Find Yourself to Be in Difficulty or Distress…
Don't Be Sad Quotes
IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 038 – This Generation, Which Is Consumed by Psychological Sicknesses.
"This generation, which is consumed by psychological sicknesses, must return to the Masjid, going there to perform prostration and to seek Allah's pleasure. If we do not do this, tears will burn our eyes and grief will destroy our nerves." [REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad] … [Read more...] about IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 038 – This Generation, Which Is Consumed by Psychological Sicknesses.
IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 065 – The Student Who Lives the Life of Comfort and Repose and Who Is Not Stung by Hardships…
"The student who lives the life of comfort and repose and who is not stung by hardships, or who has never been afflicted with calamity will be an unproductive, lazy, and lethargic person. Indeed, the poet who knows no pain and who has never tasted bitter disappointment will invariably produce heaps upon heaps of cheap words. This is because his words pour forth from his tongue … [Read more...] about IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 065 – The Student Who Lives the Life of Comfort and Repose and Who Is Not Stung by Hardships…
IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 027 – The Characteristic of Ingratitude Is Widespread among Human Beings.
"Allah, the Almighty, created His slaves so that they may worship and remember Him, and He provided sustenance for them so that they may be grateful to Him. Nevertheless, many have worshipped other than Him and the masses are thankful not to Him, but to others, because the characteristic of ingratitude is widespread among human beings. So do not be dismayed when you find that … [Read more...] about IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 027 – The Characteristic of Ingratitude Is Widespread among Human Beings.
IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 122 – Life Is Bread, Water and Shade.
"Life is bread, water, and shade; so do not be perturbed by a lack of any other material thing. "And in the heaven is your provision, and that which you are promised." (Quran 51: 22)" [REF: Laa Tahzaan, Don't Be Sad] … [Read more...] about IslamicMuslimsProducts DBS Quote 122 – Life Is Bread, Water and Shade.